Piriformis Syndrome

This con­di­tion is an irri­ta­tion of the sci­at­ic nerve, a thick nerve that branch­es from the lum­bar spine and trav­els through the but­tocks and down the back of each leg. An irri­ta­tion of the sci­at­ic nerve can result in radi­at­ing pain or numb­ness from the but­tocks down through the legs.

The syn­drome is caused by a con­trac­tion of the pir­i­formis mus­cle in the gluteal region of the but­tocks. This con­trac­tion can result from an over­ly tight pir­i­formis mus­cle, trau­ma, or overuse of the mus­cle. When the pir­i­formis mus­cle con­tracts, it puts pres­sure on the sci­at­ic nerve (which runs beneath it).

Symp­toms include a tin­gling feel­ing, pain, or numb­ness of the but­tocks. In some cas­es the pain is felt only in the but­tocks, but this con­di­tion can also cause sore­ness to radi­ate from the low­er back down to the legs and some­times to the feet.

Treat­ment options include stretch­es, phys­i­cal ther­a­py, med­ica­tions and injec­tions. In severe cas­es, surgery may be nec­es­sary.

Click here review an illus­tra­tion of Pir­i­formis Syn­drome.
(Infor­ma­tion obtained from www​.viewmed​ica​.com 2012 Swarm Interactive).

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